
Best Icebreakers Tips

Ice BreakerYou know "the moment" when you spot someone across a crowded room, bus, or produce section. You’d love to meet — but what the heck can you say to a complete stranger that won’t come off as dorky or desperate? Try one of these real-world icebreakers that singles swear by. Why? Because these lines earned them plenty of dates!

Flirt with a fly-by
“My best icebreaking technique is what I call the ‘fly-by.’ It’s where you make witty comments of a relevant nature as you walk by the person who interests you. For example.

Try the direct approach
“I have approached people in grocery stores, on the street, pretty much anywhere, and the best conversation starter I’ve found is just to say what I’m thinking. I’ll say something like, ‘Hi. My name is Josh, and I just wanted to let you know I find you incredibly attractive.’

Take a survey
“Sometimes I pretend I’m doing a survey for research purposes. People just assume it’s for a school or work project. My best ‘survey’ approach is to ask guys to tell me what they think the ratio in this particular spot is of those who are out to actually meet someone to date versus those who are just out to have a good time with their friends. It allows you to go up to anyone and just start talking…both men and women!

Play some games
“My friends and I like to play the typical old-school games while we’re out — pool, darts, foosball, etc. — and you can use these games as an excuse to talk to whatever cutie you’ve been eyeing. For example, I walk up to a person I find attractive and say something like, ‘Hey, my friends and I are playing doubles at the pool table, but my partner left.

Lay on the flattery
“One of the best ways to meet men is to pay them a compliment. Not just by saying ‘nice tie’ or whatever, but something really flattering. For example, one time on the way to the ladies room at a restaurant where I was having dinner alone, I noticed a very well-dressed man. On the way back I stopped at his table and said, ‘You are simply the best-dressed man I have seen in a very long time’

Ask a question
“If I’m going to try to chat someone up, I make sure that my opening line invites a conversation. So if I see a woman picking up some curry sauce at Trader Joe’s, I’ll say, ‘Excuse me, I’ve always seen that sauce and wondered about it. How can you use it? Is it very spicy?’

A little humor and humility can’t hurt
“I like to use what I call the ‘no-line’ pick-up line. I mosey over and say something innocent, like: ‘Excuse me for interrupting; I can see you’re busy reading (studying, working, whatever). You caught my attention, so I thought I would risk public humiliation by introducing myself.’

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