
What stops the passion?

What stops the passion? In a committed relationship, is supposed to be having sex, and lots of it. Unfortunately, this usually is not the case. Often the loss of sexual pleasure and intimacy results in depression, suspicion, anger, resentment, and sometimes, infidelity and divorce. Although it is clear that this issue is rarely one-sided. The statistical reasons show the following:

Reason in percentage

1. He or she isn't sexually adventurous enough for me - 68
2. He or she doesn't seem to enjoy sex - 61
3. I am interested in sex with others, but not with my wife / husband - 48
4. I am angry at her or him - 44
5. I'm bored - 41
6. He or She is depressed - 40
7. He or She has gained a significant amount of weight - 38
8. I am depressed - 34
9. I no longer find him or her physically attractive - 32
10. I suffer from erectile dysfunction - 30
11. I lost interest and I don't know why - 28
12. I prefer to masturbate, but not online - 25*
13. I prefer to watch pornography online and masturbate - 25*
14. I am on medication that lowered my libido - 21
15. I am/was having an affair - 20
16. I suffer from premature ejaculation - 16
17. I have difficulty achieving orgasm - 15
18. I am too tired - 14
19. He or She is/was having an affair - 9
20. I don't have the time - 6
21. I wasn't interested in sex to begin with - 3
22. I am gay / lesbian <1

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