Di dalam berhubungan badan atau melakukan aktivitas seksual, cairan mani berfungsi sebagai pelumas. Setiap kali ejakulasi, rata-rata pria mengeluarkan cairan mani atau semen kurang lebih satu sendok teh. Sedangkan banyak sedikitnya cairan mani ini tergantung pada usia (pada umumnya usia muda lebih banyak), kapan terakhir ejakulasi, dan jenis rangsangan yang diterima pria tersebut.
Satu sendok teh cairan mani mengandung sekitar 21 kilojoules (kilo kalori) dengan 200-500 juta sperma. Karena jumlah sperma hanya sekitar 1% dari cairan mani, lalu pertanyaan berikutnya yang timbual adalah apa yang sisanya? Menurut seksolog Dr Elna McIntosh, sisa cairan mani terdiri dari gula fruktosa, air, asam sitrat, enzim, protein, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), posfat, dan zinc.
Karena itu jika anda tertelan cairan mani anda tidak perlu terlalu khawatir, Namun untuk mencegah penularan penyakit seksual, tetap disarankan untuk menggunakan kondom saat berhubungan seks. Kendati demikian, hingga kini masih diperdebatkan, apakah penularan virus HIV bisa terjadi lewat seks oral yang mengandung cairan mani. Yang pasti, tak sedikit penyakit menular seksual yang bisa terjadi lewat seks oral melalui media cairan mani tersebut.
Satellite Internet - You are always connected!
In old days, couples rely on mails when they were far apart, later they have phone calls and thanks to these days technology, you and your loved one can always stay connected with the internet. Distance is no longer a problem, you have phone, video call, webcam, and all these facilities are always there to help you stay connected.
Speaking about technology that supports your love life, have you ever encountered problem like in the middle of downloading your love one video singing for you, suddenly the connection is off? Or at the other time, your connection just went off when you both were still chat about your future, its inconvenient right?
This sudden on and off thing, low speed and unstable connection, most of the time is very upsetting and most frequently happened with dial-up connection. To avoid, you can switch to satellite internet, it solves all these problems, you are going to have a high speed internet connection even if you are in the most remote locations across U.S, the speeds up to 30 times faster than dial-up, those are the qualities you can expect from satellite internet.
All over the internet you can search for satellite internet providers, or simply hit Wildblue with its fantastic offers if you subscribe today, promo comes with free standard installation, free virus and spyware protection and 24/7 customer service. No longer off connection in the middle of downloading video, picture and many others file, huge files are no longer an issue with satellite internet, so get one for you and your loved one!
Speaking about technology that supports your love life, have you ever encountered problem like in the middle of downloading your love one video singing for you, suddenly the connection is off? Or at the other time, your connection just went off when you both were still chat about your future, its inconvenient right?
This sudden on and off thing, low speed and unstable connection, most of the time is very upsetting and most frequently happened with dial-up connection. To avoid, you can switch to satellite internet, it solves all these problems, you are going to have a high speed internet connection even if you are in the most remote locations across U.S, the speeds up to 30 times faster than dial-up, those are the qualities you can expect from satellite internet.
All over the internet you can search for satellite internet providers, or simply hit Wildblue with its fantastic offers if you subscribe today, promo comes with free standard installation, free virus and spyware protection and 24/7 customer service. No longer off connection in the middle of downloading video, picture and many others file, huge files are no longer an issue with satellite internet, so get one for you and your loved one!
You just need a Kiss to say I love you!
No, it is not French that invented the art of kissing. Although when we talk about the art of kissing, or any other kissing subject, the name French is always appears. But French kissing when you do it right, you are giving a real pleasure to your loved one, It refers to the type of kiss where you insert your tongue deep into the other person's mouth and move it around.
Instead of talking about what you should do, it’s better to talk about you should not, try to avoid swirling your tongue around aggressively, similarly you should not let your entire tongue go completely limp and floppy, so do it gentle. If it feels right, you are probably doing it right. As the kiss progresses you may want to go to the neck. Kissing and just a bit of gentle biting the neck is absolutely acceptable when huddling and is the reason for the term necking.
Kissing is about feeling so put lots of feel in it, your loved one will feel how deep and gentle your love is! The art of kissing is about how to express your love and passion to your loved one, as long as you both are enjoying the kiss, whatever the art of kissing you are in, it is not important, however to put some extra “effort” with French Kiss, do it right, definitely will show how deep and much your love is. So you just need a Kiss!
Instead of talking about what you should do, it’s better to talk about you should not, try to avoid swirling your tongue around aggressively, similarly you should not let your entire tongue go completely limp and floppy, so do it gentle. If it feels right, you are probably doing it right. As the kiss progresses you may want to go to the neck. Kissing and just a bit of gentle biting the neck is absolutely acceptable when huddling and is the reason for the term necking.
Kissing is about feeling so put lots of feel in it, your loved one will feel how deep and gentle your love is! The art of kissing is about how to express your love and passion to your loved one, as long as you both are enjoying the kiss, whatever the art of kissing you are in, it is not important, however to put some extra “effort” with French Kiss, do it right, definitely will show how deep and much your love is. So you just need a Kiss!
Aneka Seni Berciuman
Ciuman bukan hanya terdiri dari dua jenis ciuman yaitu ciuman leher dan ciuman orang Prancis. Karena didunia ini dunia perciuman berkembang pesat dan ragam macam ciuman semakin berkembang, diantaranya:
Ciuman gaya eskimo
Secara lembut gesekkan hidung Anda dengan hidung pasangan. Selembut mungkin dan rasakan setiap sentuhan yang terjadi mengenai sebutan eskimo karena di eskimo orang menunjukkan perasaan dengan cara seperti ini.
Ciuman dengan sepotong buah
Ambil sepotong buah yg anda sukai berdua dan gigit ujungnya. Ujung yang lain diberikan ke pasangan sambil melakukan ciuman, lakukan sampai buah habis, nikmat berserat bukan?
Ciuman daun telinga
Dengan asaran daun telinga pasangan. Jilati dan gigiti dengan mesra dan lembut. Satu hal yang harus dihindari jangan membuat suara gaduh.
Ciuman jari jari
Percaya tidak percaya tetapi jenis ciuman ini sangat maknyus untuk menstimulasi gairah pasangan anda, ambil jari pasangan dan perlahan-lahan diemut, gunakan lidah anda.
Ciuman es
Kulum es balok kecil dan dengan menggunakan lidah pindahkan ke mulut pasangan anda. Efek dingin dan mencairnya es akan memberikan perasaan sensual. Jika perlu tambahkan sebutir permen mint.
Ciuman hot and cold
Jilat bibir pasangan anda dengan lembut untuk membuatnya hangat, lalu tiup bibirnya untuk memberi sensasi rasa dingin. Tentunya sebelum meniup perhatikan napas Anda, jangan makan petai atau bawang lain masalahnya kalau pasangan anda terangsang dengan bau bauan seperti itu.
Ciuman bangun tidur
Ciuman yang terpenting, yang menyatakan bahwa anda selalu hadir disaat dia membuka kelopak mata. Saat pasangan bangun tidur, cium dia mulai dari leher dan berakhir di bibir. Jangan lupa menyisipkan kalimat romantis "Selamat pagi cinta..." dan jangan pernah salah menyebut nama!
Ciuman gaya eskimo
Secara lembut gesekkan hidung Anda dengan hidung pasangan. Selembut mungkin dan rasakan setiap sentuhan yang terjadi mengenai sebutan eskimo karena di eskimo orang menunjukkan perasaan dengan cara seperti ini.
Ciuman dengan sepotong buah
Ambil sepotong buah yg anda sukai berdua dan gigit ujungnya. Ujung yang lain diberikan ke pasangan sambil melakukan ciuman, lakukan sampai buah habis, nikmat berserat bukan?
Ciuman daun telinga
Dengan asaran daun telinga pasangan. Jilati dan gigiti dengan mesra dan lembut. Satu hal yang harus dihindari jangan membuat suara gaduh.
Ciuman jari jari
Percaya tidak percaya tetapi jenis ciuman ini sangat maknyus untuk menstimulasi gairah pasangan anda, ambil jari pasangan dan perlahan-lahan diemut, gunakan lidah anda.
Ciuman es
Kulum es balok kecil dan dengan menggunakan lidah pindahkan ke mulut pasangan anda. Efek dingin dan mencairnya es akan memberikan perasaan sensual. Jika perlu tambahkan sebutir permen mint.
Ciuman hot and cold
Jilat bibir pasangan anda dengan lembut untuk membuatnya hangat, lalu tiup bibirnya untuk memberi sensasi rasa dingin. Tentunya sebelum meniup perhatikan napas Anda, jangan makan petai atau bawang lain masalahnya kalau pasangan anda terangsang dengan bau bauan seperti itu.
Ciuman bangun tidur
Ciuman yang terpenting, yang menyatakan bahwa anda selalu hadir disaat dia membuka kelopak mata. Saat pasangan bangun tidur, cium dia mulai dari leher dan berakhir di bibir. Jangan lupa menyisipkan kalimat romantis "Selamat pagi cinta..." dan jangan pernah salah menyebut nama!
Serba Serbi,
Home security advisor
We all are responsible for our own family, we are the one who should protect them, but the issue is we are no 24/7/365 ready; we cannot be there all time for the whole family, we all have other responsibility that we must complete also for the good of our family, so we must do our best to protect our family. When it comes to family protection and looking for related services providers, we cannot just randomly pick one out of nowhere, we must look for the brand image, the expert on its field.
Beside of all the benefits those providers might offer you, and for sure the brand image thing, there is one thing you should check as well, the home security advisor. The very representative of the security services industry, should know how to guide you a brief but clear review of your home security needs, discuss with you the home security system arrangement that fits your security requirements, how your home alarms work, but not only that, advisor must be able to answer any home security tips, all these will help you to make your decision. In some cases advisor has even giving you more than you ask, because they do concern, in my case; the advisor introduced me to Children's Safety Network.
Base on the home security advisor and some other things mentioned before, more than 6 million customers that are include me; have decided to put our trust to ADT home security package. ADT has claimed to be America's #1 Home Security Provider and 6 million customers certainly show it! Visit the website and you will find reasons why this 6 million people decide to use ADT services. When it comes to family protection never postponed and use only the best you can trust!
Beside of all the benefits those providers might offer you, and for sure the brand image thing, there is one thing you should check as well, the home security advisor. The very representative of the security services industry, should know how to guide you a brief but clear review of your home security needs, discuss with you the home security system arrangement that fits your security requirements, how your home alarms work, but not only that, advisor must be able to answer any home security tips, all these will help you to make your decision. In some cases advisor has even giving you more than you ask, because they do concern, in my case; the advisor introduced me to Children's Safety Network.
Base on the home security advisor and some other things mentioned before, more than 6 million customers that are include me; have decided to put our trust to ADT home security package. ADT has claimed to be America's #1 Home Security Provider and 6 million customers certainly show it! Visit the website and you will find reasons why this 6 million people decide to use ADT services. When it comes to family protection never postponed and use only the best you can trust!
It’ll surely be fun!
Watching your favorite programs with your love one or with the whole family is just a wonderful experience and it was believed for decades that the more you do things together then the closer your relationship will be, among them as mentioned above is by watching your favorite TV programs together.
In addition, according to reliable survey, most households are placing their TV sets within their living rooms or bed rooms or near the fireplaces. This certainly will create some good atmosphere that believes to enhance relationship among members of the family. Direct TV will help you to create such atmosphere, how? Simply keep reading.
With these days TV technology, the experience of watching TV is never the same! These days are the era of Digital picture and sound. Direct TV is one of few providers that offer such technology, where you will only watching picture and sound perfect programs. Look for Direct TV Deals now by visiting directstartv.com, many fantastic offers are waiting.
Direct TV is worth to consider not only because of its fantastic offer, picture and sound perfect but also 130+ Directv Channels ready to watch. From these hundred channels, the probability to find some movies, sports or other programs that is the whole family’s favorite is without doubt easier, and watching them together it’ll surely be fun!
In addition, according to reliable survey, most households are placing their TV sets within their living rooms or bed rooms or near the fireplaces. This certainly will create some good atmosphere that believes to enhance relationship among members of the family. Direct TV will help you to create such atmosphere, how? Simply keep reading.
With these days TV technology, the experience of watching TV is never the same! These days are the era of Digital picture and sound. Direct TV is one of few providers that offer such technology, where you will only watching picture and sound perfect programs. Look for Direct TV Deals now by visiting directstartv.com, many fantastic offers are waiting.
Direct TV is worth to consider not only because of its fantastic offer, picture and sound perfect but also 130+ Directv Channels ready to watch. From these hundred channels, the probability to find some movies, sports or other programs that is the whole family’s favorite is without doubt easier, and watching them together it’ll surely be fun!
3 Things Men Don't Like (But Women Seem To Love)
Stop me if you've heard this one: men seem to be from one planet while women are from another planet altogether. While making sweeping gender generalizations borders on insulting, there are some Martian tendencies on our part and Venusian on y'all's part (aw, crap, now I've done it).
1. Flowers. Our homeys at The Frisky bumped into a major Mars-Venus issue: Flowers. Their resident dude writer, John DeVore, backs the floral industry and makes several salient points as to why flowers are important...a good read. While I agree with him, I can see why "other" dudes just aren't that into cut flowers. Read: Why Do Flowers Make Us Swoon?
They don't do anything funny or weird—they just sit there. Even with maximum upkeep they don't last terribly long, and you always have the distinct feeling you're being ripped off when you buy them. Women, on the other hand, have a keener sense of smell and smaller likelihood of color blindness.
While the sentimentality of flowers ("ohh, he was thinking of me") isn't 100 percent lost on us, we generally only get sentimental when something happens to a sports legend from our youth or when the song "Cat's In The Cradle" comes on the radio. Read: Pointlessness of Poinsettias And Flower Power
2. Talking on the phone. Guys generally don't like talking on the phone. Why? Well, Em & Lo ( EmAndLo.com) asked their man panel why guys don't dig gabbing on the mobile (it's not practical, men don't like to share emotions) and I'd like to add a bit.
When dudes are on the telephone for long stretches, we have a hard time doing anything else worthwhile. This is fine if you're having "the talk" (or any important discussion), but we have a hard time chatting just for fun. Women seem to be different in this regard. There's a good chance that a knitting, resume-updating or nail-painting operation could be going down on the other end of the line, while our powers of conversation are being stretched to their limits just listening and formulating reasonable responses.
It should be noted that phone sex is one area in which we can basically keep up two jobs at once. (And the boys from Entourage seem to be able to have actual sex and handle a phone call at the same time.
3. Shopping. To be fair, dudes do like shopping, but dude shopping is generally broken into two categories: 1) necessity shopping and 2) aspiration shopping. The former involves going to a specific store for a specific thing and nailing it, irrespective of price. The latter is sometimes called looking—checking out that new SLR camera about 200 times before pulling the trigger—but it still involves a specific item.
Women, on the other hand, seem to enjoy wandering around stores just to see what's for sale. They don't necessarily have a purchase or even a specific store in mind. They don't have a time limit, because browsing is the end-game, not the purchase. This is fine, but it's not fun for men —unless you're shopping for this. It takes all kinds of shopping to keep the economy going but some retail habits just baffle us. Read: study: 40% Of Women Prefer Shopping To Sex
Obviously, this is an exaggeration of already gross stereotypes: some ladies hate flowers, some dudes love to meander through Bloomindales for hours while blathering into ther phone, but maybe we touched on a couple of truisms? Maybe? No? OK, sorry then, I was really just browsing.
1. Flowers. Our homeys at The Frisky bumped into a major Mars-Venus issue: Flowers. Their resident dude writer, John DeVore, backs the floral industry and makes several salient points as to why flowers are important...a good read. While I agree with him, I can see why "other" dudes just aren't that into cut flowers. Read: Why Do Flowers Make Us Swoon?
They don't do anything funny or weird—they just sit there. Even with maximum upkeep they don't last terribly long, and you always have the distinct feeling you're being ripped off when you buy them. Women, on the other hand, have a keener sense of smell and smaller likelihood of color blindness.
While the sentimentality of flowers ("ohh, he was thinking of me") isn't 100 percent lost on us, we generally only get sentimental when something happens to a sports legend from our youth or when the song "Cat's In The Cradle" comes on the radio. Read: Pointlessness of Poinsettias And Flower Power
2. Talking on the phone. Guys generally don't like talking on the phone. Why? Well, Em & Lo ( EmAndLo.com) asked their man panel why guys don't dig gabbing on the mobile (it's not practical, men don't like to share emotions) and I'd like to add a bit.
When dudes are on the telephone for long stretches, we have a hard time doing anything else worthwhile. This is fine if you're having "the talk" (or any important discussion), but we have a hard time chatting just for fun. Women seem to be different in this regard. There's a good chance that a knitting, resume-updating or nail-painting operation could be going down on the other end of the line, while our powers of conversation are being stretched to their limits just listening and formulating reasonable responses.
It should be noted that phone sex is one area in which we can basically keep up two jobs at once. (And the boys from Entourage seem to be able to have actual sex and handle a phone call at the same time.
3. Shopping. To be fair, dudes do like shopping, but dude shopping is generally broken into two categories: 1) necessity shopping and 2) aspiration shopping. The former involves going to a specific store for a specific thing and nailing it, irrespective of price. The latter is sometimes called looking—checking out that new SLR camera about 200 times before pulling the trigger—but it still involves a specific item.
Women, on the other hand, seem to enjoy wandering around stores just to see what's for sale. They don't necessarily have a purchase or even a specific store in mind. They don't have a time limit, because browsing is the end-game, not the purchase. This is fine, but it's not fun for men —unless you're shopping for this. It takes all kinds of shopping to keep the economy going but some retail habits just baffle us. Read: study: 40% Of Women Prefer Shopping To Sex
Obviously, this is an exaggeration of already gross stereotypes: some ladies hate flowers, some dudes love to meander through Bloomindales for hours while blathering into ther phone, but maybe we touched on a couple of truisms? Maybe? No? OK, sorry then, I was really just browsing.
Hughes Net for Faster Internet Connection
Internet using is continuously growing and getting more popular whether for business or individual purpose. Internet connection become one of human basic need for living now. You can search many kind of information using internet, stay connected with your friend via social networking, share your thought with blogging and you can even make money or drive your business online, all using internet. To get connected online with people all around the world we need an Internet access, but sometimes choosing an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that provides this access can be quite confusing.
Several times ago, back in early 1990 we only knew and became familiar with Dial-up Internet Connection. This kind of connection is still available and used by people all around the world because its easily to get. Just using your telephone line and you can start surfing the web and using many internet features or application you need. But considering the rapid growth of internet technology and also that we not only need the connection for web surfing but also to transfer file in big capacity like video, mp3 and other, the standard speed provided by dial-up service are no longer sufficient and can’t fulfill our need anymore.
You don’t need to confuse about how to get a fast internet connection. Me myself, to avoid getting stuck by limited access of dial-up internet connection, now has using a satellite internet service offered by HughesNet and it has become the best solution I have so far. Hughes Net provides broadband internet service to give us the chance to have the benefit of high speed internet connection, hence we can finish all our online activities without bad connection which always turn out to be the most annoying thing for internet users.
Some irritating experience when using dial-up access such as the on off connection, the low speed, the failure when downloading or uploading files are gone since using Hughes Net broadband service, this provider is using the power of satellite for its connection. For internet users all around the US continent, you can find this hughes satellite internet service available wherever you are. Just simply visit the website and discover its fast internet access that always on, another benefit clearly shown in its site is the connection speed that up to 50 times faster than dial-up connection. Now you can complete your business, assignment or always stay connected with your loved one with Hughes Net.
Several times ago, back in early 1990 we only knew and became familiar with Dial-up Internet Connection. This kind of connection is still available and used by people all around the world because its easily to get. Just using your telephone line and you can start surfing the web and using many internet features or application you need. But considering the rapid growth of internet technology and also that we not only need the connection for web surfing but also to transfer file in big capacity like video, mp3 and other, the standard speed provided by dial-up service are no longer sufficient and can’t fulfill our need anymore.
You don’t need to confuse about how to get a fast internet connection. Me myself, to avoid getting stuck by limited access of dial-up internet connection, now has using a satellite internet service offered by HughesNet and it has become the best solution I have so far. Hughes Net provides broadband internet service to give us the chance to have the benefit of high speed internet connection, hence we can finish all our online activities without bad connection which always turn out to be the most annoying thing for internet users.
Some irritating experience when using dial-up access such as the on off connection, the low speed, the failure when downloading or uploading files are gone since using Hughes Net broadband service, this provider is using the power of satellite for its connection. For internet users all around the US continent, you can find this hughes satellite internet service available wherever you are. Just simply visit the website and discover its fast internet access that always on, another benefit clearly shown in its site is the connection speed that up to 50 times faster than dial-up connection. Now you can complete your business, assignment or always stay connected with your loved one with Hughes Net.
broadband internet,
satellite internet
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